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Measuring the Energy of Organization:
Entropy and the Driving Forces of Reactions

When comparing a solid to a gas, it is obvious there is more structure, more organization in the solid.  In fact in crystalline solids, it is that structure that defines the material and its properties.  When that solids changes to a gas and its molecules are all separated, the organization is lost.  People measure the degree of randomness or disorder of the system or what is called the systems entropy.  

 Impacting Entropy Low Entropy to High Entropy
Phase Changes Solids Þ Liquids Þ Gases
Solutions Separate Components Þ  Mixture
Temperature Low Temperature (particles are close) Þ High Temperatures (particles are far apart)  
Number of Particles Few Particles Þ Many Particles

Entropy is important when considering energy changes involved in chemical transformations.  Energy is used in bringing substances together.   Since materials by random processes will have the tendency to become scattered, the natural tendency is toward greater entropy.  The other natural tendency that is observed is that when reactions occur, generally energy is released. 

Thus the two natural tendencies are...
1.  Greater entropy
2.  Exothermic reactions

D.C. Everest Senior High
6500 Alderson Street
Weston, WI 54476

Bill Heeren, Teacher
November 16, 2013

Phone (715) 359-6561
Extension 4204
Fax (715) 355-7220