ASA (Arylsulfatase A) (based on 1E1Z.pdb)
Spacefill model
Backbone model
Alpha Helices
Beta Sheets
Positioning Residues (lys123, lys302, ser150, his229)
Active/Catalytic Site of ASA (ser69)
Magnesium Ion at Active Site
Spacefill emphasizing Active Site
Spin On
Spin Off

Saposin B (based on 1N69.pdb)
Backbone Structure of Saposin B
Colored backbone structure of Saposin B emphasizing the 3 chains making up the homodimer
Alpha helices(forming grooves for sulfatides) Notice most of molecule's shape determined by helices.
Hydrophobic residues (in yellow) lining the inner grooves formed by the three chains
With captured analog to sulfatide (PEH )(if you must know...Di-Stearoyl-3-Sn-Phosphatidylethanolamine)
Spacefilled conformation showing captured PEH and grooves
Spacefilled conformation showing captured PEH in the Saposin B molecule. The C chain is displayed in green. The nonpolar nature of the interior of the A chain/B chain groove is displayed in yellow. The sulfatide-like PEH molecule is displayed in CPK colors. Notice the reds and blues are polar and lie on the outside of the structure, while the nonpolar grays are embedded in nonpolar interior of the AB chain groove of Saposin B.
Spin On
Spin Off

Sulfatide (based on 2AKR.pdb)
Sulfatide (Red Polar SO4 group interacts with ASA) (Gray interacts with Saposin B)
Gray are hydrophobic parts of sulfatide. Colored atoms are the hydrophilic parts of sulfatide
Spin On
Spin Off