Yersina pestis' Omptin Protease Pla

based on 2x55.pdb

Spacefill structure of Pla Protein
The active site of the Pla protein
The active site of the Pla protein with domains colored to indicate placement in extracellular membrane... dark green - extracellular... red/brown...within membrane... orange/yellow- within internal periplasm
Lippopolysaccharide attachment site in blue
Backbone of the Pla protein
Colored backbone illustrating placement of the Pla protein in extracellular membrane
Backbone illustrating active site (red), lippopolysaccharide attachment site (blue)


(based on 2R9Y.pdb)

Part of the polypeptide chain (in red) actively inactivating plasmin
Known mutation site in which a substitution disables antiplasmin's function (hidden yellow - rotate to see)
A backbone view of antiplasmin
Active site segment (red), mutation site (yellow), alpha helix(dark blue)