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2013-2014 Scheduled Office Hours

Below is listed where you can find me during the school day.  However, I am usually available earlier than 7:00 a.m. and at school after 4:00 p.m. Appointments should be arranged for those times before school or after school.  

If my available times are not convenient for you (or your parent) to come in for help, please go to the science resource center, room 213 during the day.  There is a science teacher available in room 213 during most periods of the day.  

Usual Daily Schedule 2018-2019 School Year

Before School


Usually in Rooms 204 or 219

1st Period

 Honors Chemistry


Room 204

2nd Period

Honors Chemistry

Room 204

3rd Period

Honors Chemistry

Room 204

4th   Period

  Extended Learning Time, and Student Meetings

Usually in Rooms 204 or 219  

5th and 6th Period

Honors Chemistry
(2nd Semester, Mr. Heeren will have 5th period lunch and 6/7 Period Honors Chemistry)

Room 204

7th Period


Room 204, 219 or Lunch room

8th and 9th  Period

PLC, Preparation, and Student Meetings 


Usually in Rooms 204 or 219

10th Period

Honors Chemistry 

 Rooms 204

 11th Period

Honors Chemistry 


Rooms 204

After School


Rooms 204 or 219

D.C. Everest Senior High
6500 Alderson Street
Weston, WI 54476

Bill Heeren, Teacher
November 16, 2013

Phone (715) 359-6561
Extension 4204
Fax (715) 355-7220