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Unit Three:  Using The Periodic Table

  • Knows the structure and properties of matter
    • Knows how the electron configuration of atoms governs the chemical properties of an element (SC.5.9-12.1)
    • Identify location and properties of four major groups of elements on the periodic table (metals, metalloids or semiconductors, nonmetals, noble gases)
    • Understands how the elements are arranged in the periodic table, and how this arrangement shows repeating patterns among elements with similar properties.  (SC.5.9-12.12) 
    • Trends related to chemical reactivity, size of atoms, ionization energy, electron affinity, valence electrons, and likely charge of ion.
    • Relate the basic properties of the alkali, alkaline earth, halogen and noble gas groups
    • The seven elements that naturally exist as diatomic molecules (O2, I2, N2, Br2, H2, F2, Cl2) (Oh, I Never Bring Home an F from Class)
    • Utilize the periodic table to count atoms.  This involves understanding and working with the mole concept, atomic weight, and Avogadro’s number (SC.5.9-12.12 and 12.13))
      • Express numbers in scientific notation
      • Use dimensional analysis in conversions
      • Converting--- atoms to moles, moles to atoms, grams to moles, moles to grams, atoms to grams, or grams to atoms (Be able to do the same for molecules)

Ongoing themes

  • Understands the nature of scientific knowledge
    • Knows that throughout history, diverse cultures have developed scientific ideas and solved human problems through technology (SC.8.9-12.3) 
    • Knows how basic research and applied research contribute to new discoveries, inventions, and applications (SC. 8.9-12.5)
D.C. Everest Senior High
6500 Alderson Street
Weston, WI 54476

Bill Heeren, Teacher
November 16, 2013

Phone (715) 359-6561
Extension 4204
Fax (715) 355-7220