2009-2010 DCE SMART Team

Rachel Babiarz, Garrett Block, Luke Carter, Jacob Daigle, Lucas Dahlke, Tyler Ebert, Jacob Flath, Anna Grim, Dua Her, Jordan Kappel, Trevor Kraeger, Bryan Lampkin, Jeff Marquardt, Kaitlyn Rothamer, Kyle Schwan, Tyler Stokka, Ben Weber, Melisa Werner, Josh Zahrt  

                 NS1 protein and Interferon:  How some virus shut down our Innate Immune System.

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Background images are from pdb files downloaded from the Protein Data Bank.

The images are of catalase, single stranded DNA, and of insulin. 
The pdb file numbers (Brookhaven Extension numbers) are 4BLC, 1EW1,  and 2CEU.