Opioids and Addiction 

Pain Mitigation and/or Exacerbation (or Worse)
The Story Abstracts

  JSmol Animations

Google Docs Non-Editable Presentation

Endogenous Opioids  Natural Pain Relievers

Exogenous Opioids:  Dual Edged Pharmaceuticals

Treatments for Overdose and Addiction

Mu Opioid Receptors with Opioids


Endogenous Opioids...Nature's Pain Relievers

Exogenous Opiods: Dual Edged Pharmaceuticals
First Synthetics/Extracts
New Age Synthetics

Treatments for Overdose and Addiction

Mu Opioid Receptors with Opioids

Mu Opioid Recepeptor and G Protein Complex JSmol model
of the Mu Opioid Receptor
coupled with a
G Protein Complex
from pdb file 6dde
SMART Team Members Our team was greatly assisted by these two mentors    
UW-Madison Pharmacological Researcher
Dr. Cody Wenthur

Dr. Wenthur's lab is working to develop therapeutics to battle addiction and psychiatric illnesses.

Ms. Melissa Moore of the
Marathon County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission

Thank you!

Background image is a collage from images of alpha-endorphin, naloxone, beta-endorphin, buprenorphine, leu-enkephalin, codeine, fentanyl, heroin, hydrocodone, morphine and oxycodone, and various crystallized mu opioid receptors and G protein complexes from student Jmol interpretations of the following Protein Data Bank Files 4DKL, 5C1M, and 6dde and SMILES files from Wikipedia pages