The Jmol image is based on pdb file 1AU1
To view interferon spacefill.
Inteferon backbone. Note the dimer formation. Karpusas and others, the authors of the primary citation (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 94, pp. 11813 to 11818, October 1997 Biochemistry)for this worksuggested that this might just be due to the crystallization process.
The alpha helices highlighted in different colors.
Several hydrophobic regions. (phe70, phe154, trp79, trp143). Notice how this region is folded in upon itself.
The glycosylation site. asn80 pictured here in orange.
The main functional groups are shown here in red (pro41,glu42,glu43,gln46,ala142,ser139,glu149,and arg147).