Survivor Antibody Response

(based on 3CSY.pdb)

The crystalized spacefilled model of the EBOV trimer and attached antibodies. This is a survivor antibody response to Ebola glycoprotein
A spacefilled model of prefusion EBOV Trimer(modeled in cpk colors) bonded to a neutralizing (KZ52) heavy antibody chain in green and light chain is modeled in blue.
A backbone model of the prefusion EBOV Trimer and neutralizing antibody KZ52 shown in color (heavy in green, light in blue).
The backbone of the EBOV glycoprotein GP1 shown in lightblue is interconnected to the EBOV glycoprotein GP2 shown in lavender. The glycoprotein complex is shown interacting with the heavy antibody chains (green) and light antibody chains (blue). .
A spacefilled model of the EBOV glycoprotein (GP1 and GP2) shown in cpk colors attached to all antibody chains of A, B (light blue, light green), C, D (pink, yellow), and E, F (salmon,thistle)
Some key residues of the Ebola GP Complex are shown here in spacefill. The antibodies interaction with GP1 is shown in limegreen while the antibodies interaction with GP2 is shown in red. .
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Polyclonal Antibody Response

(based on 6QD7.pdb)

This is a spacefilled model of the polyclonal antibody response to Ebola Glycoprotein. Specifically, it is a spacefilled model of EBOV Trimer and human neutralizing antibody 3T0331
Spacefilled model of the human antibody 3T0331(colored light and heavy chains) bonded to EBOV GP
The backbone model of human antibody bonded to EBOV GP
Spacefilled model of the human antibody 3T0331(colored light and heavy chains) bonded to EBOV GP showing GP1 in light blue and GP2 in lavender.
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