Shutting off the "Kill Switch"

The Jmol image is based on pdb file 1I30

Backbone image of the Caspase 3/XIAP complex (2 complexes)

Interaction of Caspase Units B with the BirA subunits highlighting the hydrophobic pockets(shades of yellow) and hydrogen bonds(off-red) and acidic pocket (red)

Backbone image of a single Caspase3/XIAP complex

Hydrophobic cluster interaction between XIAP and Caspase

Second Major Interaction Site... The Sinker (yellow)

Critical Hbonds(light pink) and Salt Bridge(magenta) from Asp148(red) locking down IAP into cleft

Zinc Coordinating Cysteine

Caspase substrate binding cleft (orange interior) with important active site His237(sky blue)

Modeling the Caspase3/XIAP Complex

