2015-2016 DCE SMART Team

Emily Adams, Jurnee Beilke, Alexander Bluestein, Vanessa Bradfish, Cassie Ebner, Liane Kee, Makenna Krueger, Horeb Mahmood, Rachel Mallum, Grace Martin, Peyton Molling, Megan Ninnemann, Jonathan Nelson, Sydney Olund, Varick Peak, Morgan Severson

Projects: Aquaporins... Channelling Life's Vital Fluid

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Background images are from pdb files downloaded from the Protein Data Bank.

The images are of catalase, single stranded DNA, and of insulin. 
The pdb file numbers (Brookhaven Extension numbers) are 4BLC, 1EW1,  and 2CEU, 3D9S, 1FQY.