Girl in a jacket VHF-Ebola  Viral Hemorrhagic Fever 

Tuning into a Killer
The Story Abstracts

  JSmol Animations

Google Docs Non-Editable Presentation

Ebola Glycoproteins:   Structure and Function

Ebola Glycoproteins:  Cell Entry and Antibody Interactions

Matrix Protein VP40: Transformer Extraordinare

VP24 and VP30: Two Other Critical Ebola Proteins


Ebola Glycoproteins GP1 and GP2

Ebola Glycoprotein Interactions
-Cell Entry & Potential Antagonists
-Antibody Response

Transformer Matrix Protein VP40

VP24 and VP30

Poster Presentation Mu Opioid Recepeptor and G Protein Complex The2019-20 DCE SMART Team was greatly assisted by   
UW-Madison Virologist
Dr. Peter Halfmann

Dr. Halfmann and colleagues have developed a vaccine to battle Ebola and today continue to work on the front lines in Sierra Leone in combatting this horrific disease.

Thank you!

Background image is a collage of images from student Jmol interpretations of the following Protein Data Bank Files: 3csy, 2ebo, 5Jq3, 4ldm, 4ldd, 6Qd7, 5f1b