Numerous people and organizations have been instrumental in these projects. To highlight a few of the individuals and groups who have been
vital to the success of these projects...
Individuals and Groups
We are very fortunate to be proximate to top-notch, world class higher education
institutions and for these places to be staffed by extraordinary
professionals. The people at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
and the University of Wisconsin-Marathon Center have made it possible for many
of these projects to take place, volunteering their expertise, sharing resources
and equipment. Some of the people to whom we are indebted include:
Eugene Johnson (UWSP)
Robert Beeken (UWSP)
Dr. Karyn Biasca of UWSP
Dr. John Droske
Dr. Steven
Dr. Donald Showalter (UWSP)
Paul Martin (UWMC)
Dr. Keith Montgomery (UWMC)
many other professionals too numerous to mention...
There are many other individuals, businesses, and
organizations to whom we are indebted. Some of them include:
- North Central Area Foundation (formerly called the Wausau Area Community
- Howard Kimel Educational
- Polyed
- Dr. Erik Severin and Dr. Nathan Lewis of Caltech
- Dave Schultz of Hartwig Chemical
- Borden Chemical
- M.A. Hanna Resins
- Capital Advanced Technologies
- Dow Chemical
- Monsanto
- Fluke
- Ken Gordon of TIES Magazine
- Dr. David McJunkin of UW
- Bill Reeden of U.S. Forest Service
- Dr. Steve McClaran (UWSP)
- Mark Smith of AeroSport
- Joel Michalski of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Carolyn Michalski
- Dan Nickolie of the Wisconsin DNR
- Rhonda O'Leary of Wisconsin DNR
- Mark Hazaga of the Wisconsin DNR
- Dr. Paul Williams of Wisconsin Fast Plants
- Dr. Harry Fong of the University of Illinois
- Paul Hsu of Hsu's Ginseng
- Dennis Awang of Mediplant
- John Rastl of Ginseng USA
- Terry Charles of Weyerhauser
- Mike Timmer of Weyerhauser
- Dr. Karyn Biasca of UWSP
- Richard Stephens and Eric
Franck of the Water and Environmental Analysis Lab
- Bill Radue, Scott Derks, Ryan Day of the UWSP Paper Science
- Duane Kasten
- Sandia National Labs
- Dr. David Murdock of Aspirus Hospitals and Cardiovascular
Research and Education Foundation
- Jeff Kaliebe
- Karen Olson, Sharon Fox, Pam Buchberger,
Jeanine Simko, Ronni Feldeverd, Judi Bowe of the Cardiovascular Research and
Education Foundation
It is incredible what these students accomplished. But their
success is not just measured only by their products, but also by their
determination, their perseverance though difficult times needs to be
valued. One group, who in addition to driving, inspiring, consoling,
....needs to be acknowledged for their contributions would have to the
parents. Their input in the work of these students cannot be
overlooked. Thank you Parents!
Staff members
There are so many people at D.C. Everest who throughout the years have worked so
hard at helping young people learn and meet their goals. Probably,
everyone at our school, in some way or another played a role in making the
projects happen. I would like to especially thank some of the following
people* for their extraordinary involvement....
- the people in the science department,
particularly Fred Yulga, Bob Oelke, Tom Haulfmann, D.J. Huddleston, Mike Teuke,
Scott Jirik, Yolanda Lloyd, Dave Miller, Gene Dix, and Richard Ziebell
- administrative services, namely Bonnie
Krause, Mary Ann Martin, Herb Tallitsch, Dan Haezart, Tom Johansen, Randy
Weller, Scot Abel
- technological support from Cory Jaeger,
Jim McCabe, Lois Alt, ....
- numerous other individuals... Judd
Smith, Jim Evers, Mark Brehmer, John Glynn, Don Price, Robert Jehn, Dave Robertson, Tim
O'Connor, Paul Rheinschmidt ....
We have been very fortunate here at D.C. Everest to have people dedicated to
their professions, willing to help each other out in whatever way they