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Yes, It Happened At D.C. Everest......  

There are many reasons why it is important to post this work. First, of course, it is good to recognize the accomplishment of these individuals - to continue to celebrate their successes.  And it is good to be able to show other students what can be done given a determined spirit and persistent effort even in a high school setting.  But as valuable as those reasons are, it is just as important for all - student participants, other students, community members- to recognize what can be accomplished when people work together.  The underlying message here is that there is nothing that we can't do if we work together.  Given the obstacles that we as a society or a global community face, I don't know of a more valuable lesson.  

What follows below is a partial listing of exemplary work over the years.  Some of it is missing simply due to the fact that pictures have been misplaced.  Others due to the fact that the work occurred prior to technological advances/availability that allowed for easy recording and storage. As an example,  I remember one project called the Radon Report, in which students not only carried out radon tests in homes in the school district, but also developed a video illustrating how repairs could be made to homes to remedy radon problems.  The video which was subsequently used by radon professionals has since been misplaced.  All that is left are the memories and the grins. :-)  There were memorable projects involving fruit flies, windtunnels, water testing, paint formulations, and .... I regret not being able to show more of the many marvelous compositions.  

You will also note that I intentionally did not list the names of the students involved.  This is done to protect the people involved.  Nevertheless, I will comment briefly on each of the projects.  Please let me know if there are any problems or mistakes with the descriptions.

Peruse the various projects as you will.  But also please take a look at the acknowledgements.  Without the support and dedication of numerous community members, these projects would not have been possible.  

Some Projects from the Past
Building Photovoltaic Cells Radon in Your Community Making Ethanol from Sawdust and Straw Cortisol Levels Heavy Metals in Vegetables Recreating Egyptian Cosmetology Identifying Life Forms
A Wall Periodic Table Air Quality in North Central Wisconsin versus Antarctica Electronic Nose Heavy Metals in Hair


A Closer Look at Lightning Studying the Effect of Plant Hormones on Fast Plants Fat Blaster Chitosan
Bucky Balls The Role of Ventilation on CO2 Levels Metabolic Cart Mining for Thorium in Central Wisconsin Ginsenosides in Ginseng Radiocarbon Dating Analyzing the Composition of the Stars
Initial D.C. Everest Fuel Cells


Enhancing Plant Growth with CO2 Water Testing:  Chloride levels in streams near roads


Water Testing:  Mercury Levels in Central Wisconsin Fish Electric Car Ferrofluids Project Milkweed

Fuel Cells Revisited

Project SCHOOL Sulfur Dioxide Levels:  A comparison from 20 years ago Acknowledgements Dental Bonding Agents Making Paper from Non-Wood Materials Making Synthetic Diamond
Photovoltaics Version 2 Fish Bait Your Projects???

D.C. Everest Senior High
6500 Alderson Street
Weston, WI 54476

Bill Heeren, Teacher
November 16, 2013

Phone (715) 359-6561
Extension 4204
Fax (715) 355-7220